Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Yo Momma

Yo momma so bald, when she puts on a turtle neck she looks like a roll on deodorant.

Or how about this one:

Yo momma so stupid she tried to put her m&ms in alphabetical order.

Off the wall and brazenly insulting, Yo Mama jokes have definitely weaved their way into the American culture.  I even saw a Yo Momma Vocabulary Builder (where words such as lachrymose and voracious are used) that teaches vocabulary through humor…Humor has this way of making everything ‘ok’ – as long as the joke’s not on you ;) – But when you subtract the comedy part, you better watch out.  Everyone knows the unspoken rule – I can make fun of my clan, but you touch them: you die.

When all comes to seriousness, it’s understandable…we feel like we have the right to pick on those closest to us because they are a part of us.  Because wherever that insult came from, there is ten times the amount of love and affection for that person – or even just a sense of understanding.  However, for an outsider to say it, it’s pure insult.

Which makes me wonder…why is it that if a non-Jew, or an “outsider” says something anti-Semitic, it is deeply insulting, but we so often do it ourselves.  I heard that the way we Jews treat and perceive each other is the way that the rest of the world treats and perceives us – which is in my opinion very sound and legitimate.  However, in almost every environment I find myself, I find what I call an “open closed-mindedness” – where people, under the guise of being well-rounded and open-minded feel an almost profound obligation to put down those who are not quite as open-minded as them (granted, I’m sure I’m guilty of the same thing).  Why? – For every derogatory word that we say, can we back it with 10 words of kindness…because they’re our kin, or is it baseless slander based on prejudice and self-gratification?

1 comment:

  1. I think that's the problem. We can make fun of our own but no one else can - maybe that's the issue. As Jews, we must treat everyone with kindness and consideration, especially family, who really get on our nerves. It shouldn't be reserved for "outsiders" who have the choice to befriend you or not; kindness should be done to ones we are stuck with.

    I never understood how the n-word is permitted amongst blacks but not by whites. If it is insulting, shouldn't it be insulting wherever it comes from? Shouldn't a debasing term like that be abolished, instead of being used selectively? Then it is reverse-racism.
